‘A historic milestone’: Agreement by Labor and Greens signals the start of cuts to big polluters

The changes to the Safeguard Mechanism announced through agreement between Labor and the Greens today mean the Government will finally impose emissions reduction regulation on Australia’s top polluters.

Dr Barry Traill, director of Solutions for Climate Australia said: “For decades, we have known that climate pollution from coal and gas needs to be slashed. It is a historic milestone that the Australian Parliament - Labor, the Greens, the Teal Independents - has worked together to create something better for our climate. 

“We need to drive down climate emissions urgently and this sets us on that path.

Solutions for Climate Australia said the Federal opposition has missed an opportunity to play a constructive role on climate policy by deciding to abstain from the Safeguard Mechanism negotiation:

“It’s worth highlighting that Peter Dutton and his Liberal and National colleagues have missed a huge opportunity by vacating the field on Safeguard Mechanism reform. They’re being left behind while the momentum to move Australia on climate policy moves forward.

“Business groups will now have greater certainty as the economy moves ahead with decarbonisation.”

Solutions for Climate Australia said the litmus test for climate policy is whether or not it delivers real emissions reductions this decade. More work will be needed to deliver the deep emissions cuts needed to meet the Paris goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C. 

“It’s good to see that new coal and gas facilities will have obstacles to their development put in place, further eroding their relevance in the new global clean tech boom. And the myth from industry that offsets like tree planting are the equivalent of directly stopping coal and gas pollution has been eroded too, and polluters will need to justify the use of offsets for more than 30% of their baseline.”

The agreement between Labor and the Greens comes after a strong community campaign calling on Australia’s fossil fuel polluters to slash their emissions, and for the Albanese Government to protect the community’s well being over polluter profits.

Leigh Ewbank, climate outreach manager for Solutions for Climate Australia said he knows of 47 meetings between community groups and Federal Parliamentarians about the Safeguard Mechanism. 

“The community has been loud and clear throughout the Safeguard Mechanism debate: it’s past time that the big fossil fuel polluters start pulling their weight when it comes to cutting emissions.

“The deal between Labor and the Greens is recognition of the deep reservoir of community support for substantial cuts in climate pollution this decade.”

“Communities across the country will keep fighting to stop pollution from coal and gas, and for national climate policies that align with the global goal to limit warming to  1.5°c.”


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