Coalition abandons getting to zero climate pollution in 2050

The Liberal National Opposition’s reply to the annual Climate Statement today confirmed that they plan to walk away from any commitment to reach net zero climate pollution emissions by 2050.

In the reply to Minister Chris Bowen’s climate statement, Shadow Climate and Energy Minister Ted O’Brien attacked the government’s decarbonisation plan and confirmed their proposal based on prolonging coal and gas and aiming to bring in nuclear reactors in the distant future.  

Solutions for Climate Director Dr Barry Traill said:

“The Coalition’s response to the climate statement today gave no detail on any plan that will reduce climate pollution or power bills this decade. 

“Unless we can reduce our climate pollution more Australians will be killed and lose their homes and livelihoods in the increasing number of climate change disasters - extreme heatwaves, bushfires, droughts, floods and cyclones.

“But unlike their state Liberal and National counterparts the Federal Coalition continues to actively oppose action to actually reduce climate pollution this decade.

“Ted O’Brien acknowledges coal is on the way out. If you want reliable energy, you won't get it with nuclear reactors. Any scientific or economic expert with any credibility will tell you nuclear can't be done in time or at lower cost in Australia than the renewable path we're already well progressed on.

Our analysis shows waiting and hoping for nuclear reactors in Australia would contribute to an additional 2.3 billion tonnes of climate emissions between now and 2050.  When compared to the most likely energy transformation scenario under current policies.

“Ted O’Brien’s speech follows repeated statements from senior Liberal and National Party leaders that a Federal Coalition Government would stop large scale renewable solar and wind energy projects. 

“To get to zero climate pollution emissions by 2050 we need a basic plan to continue the phase out of coal and gas this decade.  It is appalling that Peter Dutton is continuing to deny action on climate.

“The cheapest and most reliable energy future for Australia rests with scaling up solar, onshore and offshore wind, and battery storage.

“We call on Federal Coalition MPs to stop denying the climate is changing and provide a real plan to get to zero climate pollution emissions by 2050.

“This isn’t hard yards. A cheaper, faster, safer plan for reliable power is already underway in the rollout of renewable energy and storage.”


More fossil fuel gas no solution for climate or energy - Federal Coalition still without a plan to protect Australia’s climate