50 organisations unite to lift expectations of government for climate action

Climate organisations have today drawn a line in the sand for Prime Minister Albanese and Climate Minister Bowen ahead of the government’s annual Climate Statement, welcoming progress on climate policy to date but demanding more action from the government.

Over 50 organisations united for the call, which highlighted four key asks:

  1. Deliver a historic investment in climate solutions to accelerate decarbonisation and prepare communities for climate impacts. Australia can draw inspiration from the United States’ Inflation Reduction Act to make large and strategic investments, which will alleviate cost-of-living pressures, create jobs, and support the resilience of communities to climate impacts.

  2. Rule out new coal and gas projects in accordance with the calls of Pacific Island nations and the analysis of the International Energy Agency, which shows these are not needed for our decarbonising world.

  3. Take steps to ensure Australia beats its target of a 43 percent emissions cut by 2030 and ensure the forthcoming Net Zero 2050 decarbonisation plan can deliver net-zero emissions by 2035.

  4. Sign and support the Port Vila Call for a Just Transition to a Fossil Fuel Free Pacific.

Signalling fear about further climate disasters as the Summer El Nino begins, the organisations challenged the government to do more to protect the lives and livelihoods of communities in Australia, the Pacific and around the world.

Read the letter here.


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