‘Game changer’ on electricity reliability

Minister Bowen’s announcement of government investment underwriting 32 gigawatts of renewable energy - up from 1 gigawatt currently - is a hugely significant advance in securing reliable electricity for the country, right now when we need it.

Solutions for Climate Australia Director Dr Barry Traill said:

“This plan for renewable energy is a game-changer. It shows that the Albanese Government is taking its commitment to replace unreliable coal and gas with renewable energy seriously.”

“This commitment sends a signal to investors, businesses and most importantly to the Australian public that we are moving to a better, more secure, more affordable electricity market.”

Chief Executive Officer of Climate Action Network Australia Glen Klatovsky said:

“We know that more renewable energy means cleaner air, lower power bills, a safer environment, and more jobs particularly in regional communities - that’s why climate organisations have been pushing for it for decades and why we’re excited to see this announcement.

“We have COP28 and the Minister’s annual Climate Statement in the coming weeks, and a big investment in renewable energy is something the Minister Chris Bowen can be proud of.” 


Today the Government delivered its Second Annual Climate Statement


50 organisations unite to lift expectations of government for climate action